Bluestone Monday Moment – Hospitality & Property in the Open

After a weekend of fighting the outdoor elements from storm Ciara, there will be occasions when your business will hold an event throughout the year that requires the use of a Marquee or lighting/sound equipment outdoors. These will remain outdoors for a small period of time and exposed to the elements.

Insurers class this as ‘property in the open’ and offer a restricted level of cover, usually with the peril of fire with the need to disclose this to the insurer so the liability cover can be extended. For example a Marquee being erected for a wedding within a public house or hotel gardens could catch fire or if taken by a strong wind could hit a customer and injure them.

If you hold events outside or keep items in the open, then make sure you understand the restrictions that apply so your insurance policy covers you for what you need. By talking to your local Insurance Broker, you will receive advice and information to help you put your mind at rest.